Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Respectfully Disagree

I have been watching the November election of 2010 for the Congressional and state Governor elections.  It is rather an interesting election cycle: a Delaware newcomer who claims that she is not a witch, a California candidate calling his opponent a whore, and a Nevada Senate candidate who thinks people should barter for health. However, I am concerned about that the level of civility in politics.  I know that politicians tend to demonize their opponents in order to win election. After the elections pass and the winners and losers lick their wounds, the politicians tend to go into normal governing procedure of talking to the other side and making compromises and deals. Unfortunately, I do not see that normal trend in this election. I keep on hearing the Tea Party advocating stopping the government no matter the cost to the country. They argue to shutdown government just as Newt Gingrich, who was a very conservative head of the house in the 1990s, did in 1994. For some of these people, they have been obstinate rather than pragmatic is the order of the day.  If obstruction means getting elected to stop whatever issues that need to be addressed, than they will obstruct which means that the pressing issues that need to be addressed such as the energy, debt, and economic crisis’s will not be solved.  As a consequence, this country will continue to muddle along until a real crisis forces which could cost the big and these political faction to make a deal that nobody wants.  On the contrary, those people who view that politics is mean and nasty should read the history of the Reagan Administration. Even though this Administration was in a period of relative chaotic state of ideologies in the governing policies, they have dealt with Congressional Senators and Representatives with respect and civility. Reagan who had to deal with the Democratic dominated Congress made a dealt on the Issue of Social Security. Even though the conservative Regan and the liberal Democrats were from two different points of the political spectrum, they viewed each other with respect and dignity. Reagan even treated some liberals as friends who argued very intensely during the day and treated each other kindly at night. I hope these future leaders of America can learn from Regan’s example in that they do not need to treat each other as traitors or back stabbers. They should try to focus on the issues and not on the character of his or her opponent. I think then we can finally regain our civilized political discourse that has been missing since the 90s.
Vocabulary Word
Plural; ties

courtesy; politeness.

a polite action or expression



Wall, blocks, barrier

an act or instance of obstructing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stop Kicking the Can

 I was returning home from a friend’s house to go to work on 880 North, I had a bad run with a pothole which really messed up my front tires and lead to my delay checking in for work.  Every time I go on the San Francisco Bay Area roads there is broken asphalt, potholes, and cracks which happened to ruin my car’s tires.  I am tired to see roads that come from a third world country.  A lot of people complain on this issue, they should have themselves to blame along with the politicians. The United States Highway System was built for defense businesses in the Cold War in the 1950s as a way to provide fast evacuations in case of a nuclear strike.  The road system resulted in economic benefits and a change in life style for Americans.  It was well funded and provided a quality of infrastructure that made America an economic superpower. However, these roads have stopped being maintained in the last four decades with anti-tax revolts and a dogmatic unwillingness to support these massive highway structures form sea to shining sea. This mentality of kicking the can which is delaying maintenance for future generations to pay for it later has resulted in sub par roads.  As a consequence, roads are decaying to the point that it is costing American lives.  The incident in Minnesota in which a bridge collapsed led to the deaths of many people was no accident. Ironically another bridge that is in similar danger is the Brooklyn Bridge.  I wonder a bridge of that much fame might cause us Americans to recognize that kicking the can mentality will result in more deaths.  We have to acknowledge the can cannot be kicked anymore. If you want good roads, you have to pay for it. It will require higher taxes to pay for the roads and firmer commitment to establishing on the state and federal level to properly deal with the back log of roads that need fixing. However, if we do not change, people will have to pay for it in their car bills, and people will die in horrendous situations that should not have been happening.  I think this a solvable situation.
We just need to show people that spending a little money will do a world of good for their lives and their cars.

of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a dogma or dogmas; doctrinal.

asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.


shockingly dreadful; horrible: a horrendous crime.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amazing Race for the Governorship

I have been watching the race for the California governorship between Meg Whitman, a CEO and founder of EBay, and Jerry Moon Beam Brown who was former governor of California in booming and bustling days in the 1970s. It is turning out to be an interesting tenacious race with two distinct sides. Meg Whitman represents the outsider from Silicon Valley who has expertise to run a big corporation. Furthermore, she is also a tough leader who is renowned for her business reforms. On the other side of the political spectrum, Jerry Brown is symbolic of the old school of politics which is more about the state and governance than it is political points today. In addition, he is a great governing governor in his politics in that he helped balance the budget of California in the 1970s when Proposition 13 was voted in effect by Californians who were sick of high taxes at the time. However, the issue with California today is the deadlock in politics in the State capital of Sacramento, for California to have a budget; it needs to be passed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of State government. The law had good intentions at the time, but it is now a big obstacle in that it allows extremist on both sides to block the budget process. Furthermore, the State has made a lot of commitments over the last few decades such as health care, education, and law enforcement. As a result, most of the California’s budget goes to these commitments with no room on how to cut or adjust the budget. Add to this proposition 13 which severally limits the State to generate funding, it adds up to a State that has a lot of unfunded commitments and no way to generate new significant revenue for the State coffers.  Given the circumstances, I think Jerry Brown will be a better fit for the job.  Meg Whitman is a leader and a good reformer when it comes to business, but she does know a lot when it comes to politics in the State of California. We already had an outsider who is currently trying to get something done in the stubborn ideologues of the State Congress.  I think we need someone with experience who has dealt with such ideologues on the State level. Jerry Brown should be governor of California because his skills, experience, and connections I think to get the job done in fixing our state.
Vocabulary words

holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often fol. by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.

highly retentive; a tenacious memory.

pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.
holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough



A broad range of varied but related ideas or objects

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Grass is always Greener

     While I was doing  legal research for one of my classes, I managed to find an article on happiness which confirms that more money does not buy more happiness. It can buy some happiness, but for a lot of people they need more than just money in order to be happy. For many people who want happiness, it is not just money that makes a person content.  For people, it could be affectionate happiness, security happiness, and social status happiness. Affectionate happiness is when a person who receives love and care from others such as relatives, wives, and lovers.  For some people, their estimation is that they will likely give up the material or monetary wealth if they found a person who actually cares and loves them.  This gives a sort of satisfying feeling to the person. As for the security happiness, it is more on safety from being harmed or being abused from forces beyond their control. For people from the developed world such as the United States and Europe, it can be hard to understand. However, people from the war ravage zones or from third-world countries which have problems of rampant corruption and crime security is considered a luxury. They tend to get abused by soldiers in war zones or by criminals who are not deterred by the few corrupt cops who are meant to protect the people, so in a country where there is no war or little to no crime it can be considered happy for them from being harmed by anybody. Even though people might be happy with these two conditions, they might be still unhappy with their social status or social happiness. This is when a person feels happiness on their social order of life or lacking any happiness. A worker from a fast food chain provides a good example: they get paid low wages, they get disrespected by customers, and they are not valued by their boss who treats them as rather expendable pawns.  Compare this to doctors who are generally respected, are paid high wages and are very valued by society in general.  In sum of all these conditions for happiness, it is very rarely that people achieve all four categories. Even though a human being can be happy in all four categories, we are rarely content. We often push for more of everything wealth, love, security, and status.  It is in our very nature to want more and to push for greater happiness. In other words, the grass is always greener mentally in that your next door neighbor always has a nicer house than you, and the other guy always makes more money than you. However, I think people should try to relax and be glad on what they have whether it is wealth, love, money, or status in the context of their lives. Sometimes the greatest happiness is realizing how fortunate you really are with the gifts of your life.
Vocabulary Words
verb (used with object)
to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages: a face ravaged by grief.
–verb (used without object)
to work havoc; do ruinous damage.
havoc; ruinous damage: the ravages of war.
devastating or destructive action.


capable of being expended.
(of an item of equipment or supply) consumed in use or not reusable.
considered to be not worth keeping or maintaining.
Military . (of personnel, equipment, or supplies) capable of being sacrificed in order to accomplish a military objective.
Usually, expendables. an expendable person or thing.